Benjamin Sothoron (of Samuel)

Mentioned by name in grandfather Richard Sothoron’s will of 1782, receiving his father’s share of personalty (see Richard’s Notes).

Benjamin Sothoron, orphan of Samuel Sothoron deceased, above the age of fourteen years, comes into court & makes choice of Richard Sothoron (of Richard) for his guardian, who being present in court accepts the same. Richard Carns and James Burroughs securitys. Penalty £500 current money. Bond taken. (Fenwick* {Proc Orphans Court :46}, St. Mary’s Co., MD, 1782.03)

Named as alternate beneficiary in will of uncle Richard Sothoron of 1794 (see his Notes).

On petition of Benjamin Sothoron (who was one of the securitys of Catherine Executrix of Richard deceased) setting forth that his apprehensive that the said executor is wasting the estate of the said deceased and therefore prays that citation may issue against the said executrix and her husband Hooper Broom to give counter security - Granted Citation issued. (Fenwick* {Proc Orphans Court :262}, St. Mary’s Co., 1797.06)

Received from Mr. Charles Smoot this date & ordered by the Court to be recorded as final settlement, receipts from the representatives of John Sothoron to his administratrix De Bonis Non. Cites letter from Thomas L. Sothoron dated 3 September 1803, noting monies due as executor of the estate of his father, Levin Sothoron, from a deal made in Mr. John Forbes' store. Other letters from other heirs certifying receipt of monies & properties due:

- Elizabeth Briscoe, dated 3 September 1803.

- Benjamin Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- John Johnson Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- Mary Anderson, dated 23 November 1803. (Proc Orphans Court :76, Charles Co., MD, 1803.12.13)

** Land records - Charles Co., MD

See uncle Richard Sothoron’s Notes for land records pertaining to “Maxwell’s Seat.”

Certification of Benjamin Sothoron for The Outlett. Patented 7 May 1801, Patents 147(IC#P):133. (Patents IC#R:26, 1799.06.17)

Patent by Benjamin Sothoron for The Outlett, 82 acres, by virtue of a special warrant for 10 acres out of Western Shore land office dated 13 Nov 1798, and additional land purchased. Lies between & adjacent to The Two Friends & Poverty, on a run out of the main run of Piles Fresh. Certified June 1799, Patents IC#R:26 (not checked). (Patents IC#P{147}:133, 1801.05.07)

Recorded at request of buyer. Edward Dement & Benjamin Sothoron & Mary his wife sell to William Good, all of Charles Co., for $195, parcel called the Outlet, previously divided between Benjamin Sothoron & William Good. Beginning at post 8 perches from end of 7th line of The Outlet & running N 41 1/4° E 58 perches, intersecting 1st line of The Outlet, it being a division line between said Benjamin Sothoron & William Good. Runs thence with courses of The Outlet: S 50 3/4° E 6 perches, S 27 1/2° E 66 perches, S 9° E 42 perches, thence (?) 52 1/2° E 25 perches, S 43° W 20 perches, N 81° @ 120 perches, N 28° 24' E 73 perches, N 26° W to beginning, containing about 56 acres & 110 perches.  Witness: Benjamin Douglass, Walter Dyson. (IB#7:213, 1806.11.01, Recorded 1806.11.04)

John P. Moran of Charles Co. sells to Benjamin Sothoron of same County for $600, Lott Number 4, being part of tracts called Loving Brothers & Sothoron's Discovery.  Beginning at East as per plat the beginning of Loving Brothers, running thence S 36° E 7 3/4 perches to boundary of Hunt's Venture standing by a bridge, N 4° W 23 perches, N 53° W 132 perches to Chesnut post, S 20 1/4° W 55 perches to a cedar, S 9° W 94 perches to red oak sapling, S 20° E 102 perches to intersect Lot No. 3, then reverse of said Lines N 35° E 41 perches, N 58° E 46 perches to a post, N 34 1/2°­ E 25 perches, N 16° W 29 perches to a run, then up said run NE 46 perches, then straight line to beginning, containing about 117 acres & 1 rood.  Witness: John Lowry, Edward Meed. (IB#7:248, 1806.12.30, Recorded 1807.01.22)

** Census schedules - Charles Co., MD

Benjamin Sothoron of Bryan Town Hundred had 8 slaves in the 1798 list of slave owners (Carothers*)

1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) pg 76 - Benjamin Sothoron

Free white males under 10...1
26 - 44...1
females 16 - 25...1

1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) pg 114 (340) - Benjamin Sotheoron

Free white males 16-25...1
26 - 44...1
females 26 - 44...1

** Church activities - Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD

Messrs. Benjamin Sothoron & Charles Somerset Smith make pledges toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:30 & 35, 1793.06.10)

Messrs. Benjamin Sothoron & Charles Somerset Smith make pledges toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:30 & 35, 1794.06.10)

Benjamin Sothoron makes payment on pledge. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:30 & 53, 1795.04.11)

Messrs. Benjamin Sothoron & Charles Somerset Smith make pledges toward clergy support (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:30 & 35, 1795.06.10)

Mr. Benjamin Sothoron makes pledge toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:30, 1796.02.24)

Benjamin Sothoron makes payment on his pledge. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:30 & 60, 1796.11.24)

** Death & will - Maryland

Benjamin Sothoron died in 1812 in St. Mary’s Co.. He was born in about 1770 in St. Mary’s Co., MD to Elizabeth Letchworth & Richard Sothoron, Jr. He married Mary ? (born about 1775, died in Charles Co., MD in about 1817) in about 1791. (Copy of DAR Application of Julia Sothoron Buddington*) (There are pencil corrections on the document, indicating that Benjamin’s father was Samuel, not Richard)

Benjamin Sothoron of Charles Co., sick of body, leaves to his son Richard at age of 21, plantation now lived on by testator, called the two friends & the outlet, except for 1/3 which his wife is to have - if not so entitled, she then to have two rooms of her choice in the "mantion" house during her life.

- To wife Mary, the plot inherited from uncle John Sothoron, called loving brothers & Sothoron discover, during her single life - to then pass to son Richard. To also receive all other of his real & personal property.

- Witness: Charles Smoot, William Sothoron, Caleb Moran.

- Wife Mary was named executrix.  (Wills HB#13:184, Charles Co., 1811.11.20, Proved 1812.08.11)

Richard Sothoron died on 10 June 1835 in Charles Co., MD. He was born 10-18-1792 in Charles Co., MD to Mary & Benjamin Sothoron [NOTE: see 1812]. He married Sarah ? (born 9-12-1789 in Charles Co., MD, died Nov 1845 in Charles Co., MD) in 1811. (Copy of DAR Application of Julia Sothoron Buddington*)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.